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Review Management With gominga

Do these challenges sound familar to you?

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These brands trust gominga


4 departments, 4 challenges, 1 solution

Turn your customer reviews into innovation!

Get transparency and overview of all customer feedback. Gain real-time consumer and market information. Alerts help to stay informed about urgend issues.

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Deep insights and analysis of your current and future customers interests in real time

Identify weak points quickly

Gain insights into the wants and needs of your competitors customers through public reviews

Complete market overview with one click

Resolve product issues faster

Receive targeted email alerts on specific keywords that appear in customer reviews and questions without having to log in

Best practice: Product Development for SAMSUNG

The challenge:

Insights into customer perceptions of one’s own products are of course not only interesting for customer service. Product management, research and development or quality assurance also benefit from the data.

The solution:

The gominga Review Manager enables Samsung to manage all reviews in a single tool. Customer feedback on Samsung products and services from different channels is collected and can be handled in a fast and efficient process. Especially the professional ticket management system with features like tagging, templates, ticket status etc. make it a simple and scalable solution.

Marcus Nessler Samsung

Marcus Nessler – Head of Customer Experience Samsung Electronics GmbH

Answer common questions on the product page with a detailed description.

Optimize product detail page content and your marketing campaigns – by knowing what your customers are asking and thinking.

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Adaption of marketing measures & range of services to
customer needs

Detection of problems and deficiencies through an early
warning system & avoiding subsequent problems

Crisis communication: how are we talked about?

Analyze customer feedback (measure, understand & troubleshoot)

Answer frequently asked questions directly on the product page

Gain competitive advantage, market overview & become innovation driver

97% of customer needs captured in traditional market research interviews were also present in Amazon reviews. So the quality of online reviews can rival expensive market research. (KelloggInsight)

Best practice: Marketing for LG

The challenge:

LG Germany lacked market expertise and consumer knowledge. There were reviews, but no one was able to monitor and analyze the feedback. Accordingly, the team had no way to influence content and consumer behavior.

The solution:

With the gominga Review Manager, LG’s marketing team can easily access market data and identify new consumer trends. Customer feedback from various online channels is collected and synthesized. This data can be accessed at any time and from anywhere, allowing for quick action.

Frank Sander – Head of Marketing LG ELECTRONICS

Increase your revenue through better ratings by identifying and reporting inappropriate reviews.

Identify inappropriate reviews and request their deletion to optimize your average star rating. Our customers achieve a deletion rate of 20-40%.

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More sales through better rankings

Detection of problems and deficiencies through an early warning system & avoiding subsequent problems

Crisis communication: How are we talked about?

Adapt service offering to customer needs

Analyze customer feedback (measure, understand & troubleshoot problems)

Immediately identify inappropriate reviews

Gain competitive advantage, easily create market overview & become a driver of innovation

Best practice: Sales for KÄRCHER

How important is review management for competitive analysis?

“Today, we already analyze on various dimensions what customers mention positively or negatively about competitor products. We often score points here in terms of performance and quality. At the moment, we are still focusing very strongly on star ratings. But in the long term, pure star ratings will no longer help us; instead, we need sentiment analyses and AI systems that can analyze Kärcher’s strengths and weaknesses compared to the competition.”

Marc Rottmann
Senior Specialist Market Research
Alfred Kärcher SE & Co. KG

Edit more efficiently by answering reviews & questions across all platforms – with one tool!

Monitoring, notifications, analytics and engagement for your reviews and questions on your DTC branded web store as well as your marketplaces – all in one tool.

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Interact with users, address their concerns. Our customer-centric omnichannel platform for immediate and detailed answers.

Overview and process simplification: by accessing all marketplaces in one tool. No cumbersome logging in between different marketplace accounts!

Fulfillment of corporate KPI's like response time reduction or staff efficiency

Use staff efficiently

Time savings through a professional ticket management system with templates, routing, alerting, etc.

Reduction of the return rate of the product(s)

Increase customer loyalty - understand and resolve customer problems

Competitive advantage and expansion of brand presence!

Data security: you don't have to share confidential marketplace logins within the team. You work with one password for the gominga tool!

Best practice: Customer Service for GARDENA

The challenge:

GARDENA wanted to efficiently manage customer feedback on various online marketplaces such as Amazon across multiple countries. Previously, it was very time-consuming to monitor and respond to individual product reviews or questions, as customer service representatives had to manually log into multiple backends.

The solution:

Thanks to gominga, GARDENA is able to be where its customers are. The company can now improve its online reputation on the most important online platforms like Amazon. The gominga SaaS tool saves time and money by enabling systematic handling of customer feedback. In addition, the solution can be integrated with CX systems such as Zendesk.

Markus Kräutle – Head of Customer Service GARDENA Manucturing GmbH

Our partnership network

We work together with leading companies within our ecosystem to bring you the best possible review management offering.


Are those your challenges, too? Let’s have a chat!

  • Lack of overview of customer feedback
  • The real customer problems are unknown
  • High time requirement for analyzing
  • High time requirement when answering questions
  • Unused upselling potential of satisfied customers

Then let us tackle your review management professionally! We are looking forward to meeting you!

Frederik Bücker – Head of Sales

Frederik Bücker
Head of Sales

+49 89 122234777

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