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Manage your Otto product reviews with the gominga software

Empower your brand with our review management software. Monitor and analyze customer feedback across the platform, enhancing your brand’s reputation and driving customer satisfaction. Whether you’re a seller or vendor, our software enables you to manage your product reviews on the Otto platform. Benchmark your brand’s performance against competitors and gain valuable insights to optimize your strategy.

gominga x otto

Experience the efficiency of our all-in-one Review Management solution for Otto

gominga allows you to effortlessly monitor, receive alerts and analyze reviews and ratings for your Otto listings, all within a single, user-friendly tool.

Gain valuable insights from customers and stay ahead of the competition. Enhance your reputation on Otto by  understanding your audience’s sentiments. Whether it’s positive feedback or constructive criticism, both provide valuable insights for your business. Manage your consumer feedback globally with ease, all through one scalable tool. The gominga review manager is your solution for monitoring, analyzing, and managing reviews effectively and at scale.

Key Benefits of our Review Management Software for Otto

Maximize the impact of your Otto reviews to increase sales and improve your visibility on the platform. Cultivate a strong online reputation by leveraging positive reviews from one of the leading e-commerce platforms. Leverage customer feedback to expand your product range and reach a broader audience. Gain valuable insights into your target audience’s preferences and behaviors through their feedback. Stay alert to complaints to maintain high levels of customer satisfaction. Streamline your customer management process to save time and resources, freeing you to concentrate on expanding your business.

In-depth Insights

Gain deep insights into your products and services. Understand the reasons behind consumer feedback to identify strengths and weaknesses. Our analysis empowers you to engage effectively with your Otto customer base and stay ahead of competitors.

Early Warning Signals

Receive early warnings about potential issues or trends. Stay proactive and ahead in the market. Our software provides a competitive edge through insightful analysis of Otto reviews.

Integrated solution

Manage your online-ratings alongside other platforms seamlessly. Monitor, alert, analyze, and engage—all in one tool. Our comprehensive solution allows you to streamline your review management process efficiently.


"gominga is the ideal service provider for retailers and sellers who strive for better interaction with their customers."

Frank Sander - Head of Marketing Information System Products



“With the gominga solution we are present where our clients communicate with each other. We are able to react to all reviews and questions on Amazon from one single application, with a single log-in.”

Markus Kräutle - Head of Customer Service

GARDENA Manufacturing GmbH


“We use gominga for monitoring and evaluating the content of incoming reviews and questions. We use the information from our customers’ criticism to improve sales / CRM.”

Thomas Reithner - Teamlead Content Customer Support

Garmin Deutschland GmbH

Experience the gominga Review Manager in action and discover how your company can benefit from it!

Consumer Insights on Otto

Unlock valuable consumer insights specific to Otto without a lot of effort! Dive deep into customer feedback and uncover the root causes behind negative reviews with our state-of-the-art tool. Empower your teams to gather and analyze customer feedback efficiently and systematically.

  • Monitoring, Alerting & Analysis
  • Sentiment Analysis
  • Competitor Analysis

Stay ahead of the curve with powerful sentiment and competitor analysis. Monitor and enhance every aspect of the customer journey across all digital touchpoints. Identify areas for improvement, bridge experience gaps, and take decisive action to maximize customer satisfaction and foster long-term loyalty. Find out more here.

Here you can find a detailed overview of all features
consumer insights

How Otto is different from other review channels and what to watch out for

Review Diversity:

Otto’s extensive range of products results in diverse review practices, offering insights that range from concise comments to detailed evaluations, providing sellers with a wide array of feedback.

Interactive comments:

Customers on Otto can interact directly with the reviewers by voting whether they found the review helpful or unhelpful, which allows for deeper interaction compared to some other platforms.

Verified Reviews:

Otto typically verifies buyers before allowing them to leave reviews, ensuring that feedback comes from genuine customers who have purchased the product on the platform.

User generated content dominates the purchasing behavior

“Nearly 95% of shoppers read online reviews before making a purchase.”

Spiegel Research Center / Northwestern University Chicago

Higher ratings equal higher sales. Small changes in star ratings can drive explosive sales growth for products – anywhere up to 200% depending on the category.”


94% of consumers expect a brand to answer their questions and respond to their negative posts.”

Territory Influence / Bertelsmann Group, 2020

Explore More Platforms like with the gominga Review Manager is just one of the many platforms supported by the gominga Review Manager. From Amazon to eBay, and beyond, our SaaS tool offers comprehensive solutions for managing reviews across all relevant online platforms.

Explore our review management–tool here to learn more about how we can help you navigate the world of online ratings and customer engagement across platforms and marketplaces. Whether you represent your business on Otto, Amazon, or any other major platform, we at gominga provide the tools and insights you need to succeed in today’s digital world.

Lets get in touch

Are you a vendor or seller on Otto and receiving customer reviews there?  Is it complicated for you not to lose sight of your product reviews and customer questions, to monitor, analyse and answer them? Then get in touch with us, because this is our daily business! We can help you to take control of your Otto product reviews in a simple and scalable way!

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