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Customer reviews on marketplaces besides Amazon and Google are gaining relevance!

By 1. September 2021June 28th, 2024No Comments

Customers go through a long process before they decide on a product. They research, compare, and select. Customers inform themselves in advance. To win customers as long-term customers in their information phase, the following question is crucial for companies: “Where do German customers inform themselves before buying online?.

The market research company Splendid Research has dealt with exactly this question. In their Customer Journey Study 2021, it is visible that reviews on online marketplaces such as Amazon and Google still occupy a decisive position in terms of research and information procurement during the customer journey! The study already came to the same conclusion in 2018 and 2020.

In the study it becomes particularly clear that in the information phase customer reviews on marketplaces are the most important source of information. BUT – and this is NEW – in the meantime not only the big online marketplaces like Amazon and Google are in the focus – a much bigger increase is recognizable on further marketplaces!


Buyers increasingly draw on online reviews from new or other marketplaces and are clearly the focus of information gathering within the buying process.

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