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Collect reviews for D2C Brand webshops & retailers – eKomi reviews

By 30. January 2023June 28th, 2024No Comments
eKomi reviews

Consumers love online shopping. Especially when the customer experience is right. Customers are delighted to give reviews if they have a positive online shopping experience and the goods are of high quality. User feedback in form of ratings and reviews is more crucial than ever right now, particularly for retailers and businesses who sell directly to consumers.

Online reviews have become an important trust element in e-commerce for D2C brand web stores and have a significant positive impact on conversion rate and shopping cart value. This essay examines the importance of product reviews for brand webshops as well as for marketplaces, retailers and brands.

Why product reviews are essential for brand webshops & marketplaces

D2C Brand webshops compete with big marketplaces. Usually, small brand webshops have less reach but offer many other benefits to their customers. From a company’s point of view, a direct-to-consumer brand webshop is an essential channel for interacting directly with its customers. In addition, it eliminates the costs for intermediaries. It increases the margin. The company’s store acts as a flagship store for the entire brand.

Furthermore, brands can directly collect data about buying and search behavior of customers. This data provides valuable insights for marketing, sales, and product development. However, D2C brand webshops are not self-perpetuating. Companies must continuously do a lot to ensure that their webshop is successful. A crucial pillar of this work is collecting and managing ratings and reviews.

Collecting reviews is made easy with eKomi

Fortunately, there are several tools available that help collect reviews and let you easily manage product reviews for brand webshops or marketplaces. eKomi’s SaaS solution makes it simple to collect reviews. Once a customer has completed the transaction, eKomi automatically sends a request for a review – usually by e-mail. As soon as one submits a rating, the system automatically transfers it to the backend of the eKomi system where you can manage the review. The feedback management staff verifies each eKomi review before it is published. In the next step, the eKomi reviews are automatically transferred to the major search engines. This makes an important contribution to search engine optimization and can significantly improve the ranking on Google and others. Many retailers, manufacturers, and brands that rely on professional review management notice after a short time how sales via Google increase and the organic reach on Google improves as well.

Of course, you can and should integrate the ratings into your D2C Brand webshop. They are a necessary trust element there and create confidence. For instance, the ratings are displayed directly on the product detail page. They are often the final deciding factor that ultimately motivates the customer to purchase. Each rating can be managed and edited in the backend.

Collecting reviews made easy: eKomi reviews for merchants

Many retailers now use eKomi’s sophisticated system to collect reviews and other user-generated content, such as images or videos. It is because user-generated content is becoming increasingly important in digital shopping behavior. It promotes objectivity and has a growing impact on purchase decisions.

eKomi enables retailers to provide their customers with a better user experience – throughout the entire customer journey. Above all, reviews that are scattered across the Internet can be collected and managed in one central location with eKomi. By using eKomi, retailers benefit from many positive effects. It is possible to boost both the conversion rate and the number of transactions.

The integration into the own marketplace is easy. eKomi is based on the Software-as-a-Service approach. On the one hand, the tool can be standardized, but it can also be integrated in a customer-specific way. It makes eKomi reviews flexible and adaptable to any need.

eKomi was founded in Germany and was originally a German-language tool. Therefore, German-speaking webshops often use eKomi. However, the software is now also available in English.

Collect product reviews for D2C Brand webshops with eKomi

Another issue for many companies are scattered product ratings and reviews across various online platforms. You find reviews on search engines, rating portals, marketplaces and many more. There eKomi comes into play, which enables the central display of this scattered user-generated content even in one’s brand webshop.

eKomi reviews also in gominga Review Manager

As your one-stop-shop for review management, you can also manage eKomi reviews with the gominga Review Manager. Monitoring, alerting, analysis, and interaction of all ekomi reviews – whether product reviews or webshop reviews.

All reviews can be managed, analyzed, and responded to in one place. It is ideal for gaining insight into the world of customers. As a retailer or brand, you can utilize the reviews to make improvements of products, positively influence the customer journey through responses, or identify top sellers among customers. Moreover, it becomes clear which channels provide the most reviews. This makes the combination of gominga and eKomi ideal for obtaining a holistic picture of customer feedback and using the feedback for further development of your products.

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