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Get reputable reviews for new products: What is the Amazon Vine-program

By 8. August 2023March 27th, 2024No Comments
amazon vine-program

When you release a new product or start as a new seller, positive reviews often tip the scales so that your traffic on Amazon converts to customers and sales. After all, 91% of buyers will not buy a product until it has at least one review. In this context, the Amazon Vine-program can be helpful.

Amazon launched the Amazon Vine-program, allowing selected customers to rate products exceptionally. These customers are called “Vine Voices.”

Participants in the Amazon Vine-program receive free products from Amazon or the sellers to rate them and share their honest opinions through reviews. The program is designed to help other customers make informed purchasing decisions by drawing on the experiences and views of Vine Voices.

It is important to note that the Amazon Vine-program is exclusive and is not accessible to all Amazon customers. It is a way for sellers and manufacturers to get feedback on their products and increase the interest of potential buyers.

The need for reviews

That customer reviews are essential in e-commerce is nothing new. But here’s a little refresher on why customer reviews on Amazon are essential for brands:

Credibility and trust:

Customer reviews serve as social proof of a product’s quality and performance. Potential buyers often rely on customer feedback to determine if a product meets their expectations. Positive reviews can increase trust in a brand and reduce the risk of making a wrong purchase.

Visibility and rankings:

Customer reviews have a significant impact on a product’s visibility on Amazon. Products with many positive reviews have better chances of ranking higher in search results.

Customer feedback and product improvement:

Reviews are valuable customer feedback. Brands can see what is good about their products and where there may be room for improvement. It enables sellers to optimize their products and better tailor them to customers’ needs.

Competitive advantage:

It is more likely that Customers choose products with many positive reviews rather than those with few or poor reviews. It can lead to increased sales and greater brand awareness.

It is important to note that fake reviews or manipulations are against Amazon’s policies. The company takes steps to combat such practices and ensure customer reviews are authentic.

What exactly is the Amazon Vine-program?

Amazon Vine was created to allow selected customers to rate products before their official release. These customers are called “Vine Voices” and have the chance to receive free products from Amazon or the sellers to rate them and share their honest opinions with other customers. Its goal is to help other customers make informed buying decisions and build trust in products on Amazon.

Amazon invites its buyers who frequently provide well-written and helpful reviews to join their program as Vine Voices. In return, the insightful reviewers receive free products. Then, once they sign up, they can request the products from listed sellers in exchange for providing honest and unbiased reviews.

Vine reviews are like regular reviews, except they come with the label “Vine customer review of a free product.” The labeled reviews are listed with the other reviews and help Amazon customers make informed buying decisions. 

Through the Amazon Vine-program, sellers can send out their product before launch, so that important reviews are already available at launch. Vine reviews are often very detailed, of good quality, and often with photos.

Amazon Vine

How can you use Vine as a business?

To sign up for the Amazon Vine-program as a business, you need to follow certain steps:

Meeting the requirements:

Amazon Vine is not automatically available to every seller. Generally, businesses are invited by Amazon. However, there are no specific criteria by which Amazon selects brands. However, it is common sense that companies with good product reviews, a solid sales history, and a high-quality assortment have a better chance of being selected for the Vine program.

Active Seller Account on Amazon:

To sign up for the Amazon Vine-program, you need an active seller account on Amazon. Make sure your account is set up properly and, that you comply with Amazon seller guidelines.

Contacting the Amazon sales team:

To express your interest in the Amazon Vine-program, it is recommended that you contact the Amazon sales team directly. You can do this through the Amazon Seller Central platform. Address a message to the sales team explaining why you believe your business is eligible for the Vine program.

Meeting Amazon’s Requirements:

Amazon reserves the right to select sellers for the Vine-program based on their criteria. It is important to ensure that your business meets Amazon’s requirements, such as adhering to product quality, delivery reliability, and customer service guidelines. For example, only new products with less than 30 reviews may be eligible and must be offered via FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon). 

It should be noted that Amazon Vine’s exact processes and requirements are subject to change. It is advisable to familiarise yourself with the current policies and procedures by consulting Amazon’s official resources or contacting the Amazon sales team directly.

More about review management with gominga

Learn more about how the gominga review manager can help your brand delight shoppers and create a better customer journey across every channel. Or request a demo here.

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