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Webshop & Company Review Management

Our review management software allows you to monitor, analyze and comment on ratings, reviews and Q&A on your DTC brand webshop as well as on company review platforms such as ekomi, Trusted Shops, Trustpilot and many more – nationally and internationally.

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Main Benefits

Increase sales. Boost your reputation. Improve your product and service offering. Enhance customer service. Understand your target audience. Never miss any complaint. Act upon feedback. Communicate with customers at the digital point of sale. Save time and money. Use our one-stop-shop for professional review management!

Early warning

Understand consumer trends, listen to feedback and validate innovation strategies. Our social monitoring and alerting allow you to gain a competitive edge.

Deep insights

Get an overview of customer satisfaction across all of your business reviews, watch your CSAT score, measure consumer sentiment across topics such as Customer Service, Delivery or Returns Policy.


Interact with users, address their concerns. Thank them for both positive and negative feedback. Our customer-centric, omnichannel platform for immediate & in-depth responses.


Monitoring, alerting, analysis and engagement for your webshop and company ratings, reviews and questions. You can also combine it with your mobile app, location or product reviews – all in one tool.

The gominga Review Manager

Our SaaS tool enables you to take the next step in your consumer intelligence journey. Engage with your customers and turn review insights into action. At scale.

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trekstore logo

“Fast and easy monitoring leads to an improved customer experience.”

Simon Wiedemann, Senior Marketing & Communications Manager TREKSTOR GmbH

“Premium access to our customers, flexible and high-quality partnership.”

Andreas Urbach, Head of Marketing Home Entertainment LG ELECTRONICS Deutschland GmbH

“Review management is no longer an avant-garde topic for us, but a service channel to be taken seriously.”

Marcus Nessler, Head of Customer Experience Samsung Electronics GmbH

Our webshop and company review platfrom coverage

For webshop and company review management, we cover major platforms – nationally and internationally. Analyzing multiple reviews from different sources helps you understand specific consumer pain points. Positive and negative reviews let you know what activities you should continue and possibly how to expand the features or services consumers love.

Lets get in contact!

Value your customer and improve brand preception!

“86% of people will hesitate to purchase from a business that has negative online reviews.”

“88 percent of people trust online reviews as much as they trust their best friends’ recommendations.”

Online Reputation Management

“Companies Aren’t Responding Fast Enough (or At All) to Reviews”


Our Zendesk integration

Your customer service uses Zendesk to communicate with consumer on channels such as telephone, email, messaging, live chat etc.? Excellent! We can bring your reviews and questions into Zendesk to make your life easy!

Contact us

Lets get in touch

Our online demo is perfect to show you the functionality and performance of our mobile app review management software. To give you the most qualified or precise answer, we ask you to describe your requirements as detailed as possible.

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