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Amazon Review Management Software

Our Amazon review management software allows you to monitor, analyze, and comment on product ratings, reviews, and Q&A on Amazon. Manage user feedback on  every Amazon country website, regardless of being a vendor or seller. Benchmark your performance against other categories, brands, and countries, or with your competitors.

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Main Benefits of Amazon Review Software

Take advantage of your Amazon reviews. Increase your sales and visibility. Improve your online reputation. Expand your product and service offering. Enhance your customer service. Understand your target audience. Never miss a complaint. React to positive and negative reviews. Respond to product questions. Communicate with your customers at the digital point of sale. Save time and money. Use our one-stop-shop for professional review management!

Early warning

Understand consumer trends, listen to customer feedback on Amazon and validate innovation strategies. Our review tool gives you a competitive edge through Amazon product reviews.

Deep insights

Recognize strengths and weaknesses of your products, comprehend the reasons for customer complaints and unfavorable feedback. Our analysis allows you to better connect with your customer base on Amazon.


Interact with users and respond to their concerns in detail. Our customer-centric omnichannel platform for immediate and in-depth responses.


Monitoring, alerting, analysis and engagement for your reviews and questions on every Amazon country store as well as other online marketplaces – all in one tool.

The gominga Review Manager for Amazon Product Reviews

With our SaaS tool, you can gain valuable feedback from your customers and an up-to-date overview of your Amazon business and your competition. Increase your reputation on Amazon. Monitor new ratings & reviews and learn more about what customers think of your products. Understand the product strengths and weaknesses. Share the findings internally with marketing, product management and sales teams and increase customer experience and satisfaction in the long term. Whether positive reviews or negative complaints, both are valuable for you. Manage Amazon reviews and feedback worldwide with just one tool. Simple and scalable. The gominga Amazon Review Management Software is used to monitor, analyze and manage your product ratings, reviews and questions.

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"gominga is the ideal service provider for retailers and sellers who strive for better interaction with their customers."

Frank Sander - Head of Marketing Information System Products



“With the gominga solution we are present where our clients communicate with each other. We are able to react to all reviews and questions on Amazon from one single application, with a single log-in.”

Markus Kräutle - Head of Customer Service

GARDENA Manufacturing GmbH


“We use gominga for monitoring and evaluating the content of incoming reviews and questions. We use the information from our customers’ criticism to improve sales / CRM.”

Thomas Reithner - Teamlead Content Customer Support

Garmin Deutschland GmbH

How Amazon is different from other customer review channels and what to watch out for:

Product Q&A:

Customers can ask questions about products. Any user but also the vendor can reply directly to those questions on Amazon. This enables a dialog between buyers and sellers, which may not be as pronounced on other platforms.

Product diversity:

Amazon is a huge e-commerce platform with a wide range of products. Other platforms may be focused on specific product categories and therefore don’t offer a big variety of different target audiences that behave differently.

Review practices:

Due to Amazon’s size, there may be more variation in review practices, from short comments to in-depth reviews. Other platforms may focus on longer or more detailed reviews.

Purchase verification:

Amazon normally only allows customers who have actually purchased the product on the platform to leave reviews. This is to ensure that the reviewers have personally experienced the product. Amazon highlights this with a “Verified purchase” sign next to the review.

Review Management on Amazon made easy with the gominga review manager

Whether you operate in a specific industry or target a specific region, our platform provides you with the tools and insights you need to effectively manage your brand’s reputation and optimize customer satisfaction.

From collecting user reviews, and monitoring customer feedback to responding to product Q&A, we have the technical capabilities to help you establish a strong and positive online presence for your brand. Let us help you take control of your product review management and ensure that your brand continues to thrive in the global marketplace.

User generated content dominates the purchasing behavior

“Nearly 95% of shoppers read online reviews before making a purchase.”

Spiegel Research Center / Northwestern University Chicago

Higher ratings equal higher sales. Small changes in star ratings can drive explosive sales growth for products – anywhere up to 200% depending on the category.”


94% of consumers expect a brand to answer their questions and respond to their negative posts.”

Territory Influence / Bertelsmann Group, 2020

gominga Guide: Answer Amazon product questions correctly

In professional customer service, it is important to give customers on Amazon the feeling that they are receiving personalised advice. Amazon has also defined some guidelines for Amazon users, vendors and sellers to answer product questions that should be followed to ensure that answers to customer queries are actually published by Amazon.

Read our full guide
Amazon reviews and product questions

gominga in german specialist literature: “Amazon for decision-makers”

Amazon for decision-makers supports large and medium-sized companies in developing the right marketplace strategy and shows how the Amazon ecosystem can be used effectively. The success factors are illustrated in more detail using several case studies.

In a chapter on “Product reviews on Amazon: Relevance and fields of action for companies”, gominga Co-Founder Christian Driehaus sheds light on the relevance of product reviews on Amazon for product success.

Read more about it!

Lets get in touch

Are you a vendor or seller on Amazon? Do your customers leave feedback and rate your products there? Is it complicated for you not to lose sight of these reviews and customer questions, to monitor and analyse them and also to answer reviews? Then get in touch with us, because this is our daily business! We can help you manage your Amazon reviews in a simple and scalable way!

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